You can either call me directly on 07964 189986, email me at info@dazzletheclown.co.uk or complete the online enquiry form.
The price depends on your requirements but can also vary on the time and date. Please contact me via the online booking form or by calling 07964 189986 and I will give you a price when I have your details.
Your child is the Star of the Show! So have your camera ready!
No, I’m not scary, think more ‘Mr Tumble’ type happy clown.
I don’t wear face make-up like traditional clowns unless requested. I do however wear bright clothes. Please see my photographs on the website.
Yes, I have full public liability insurance up to £10,000,000.
Yes, I perform at homes quite often. When considering a party in the garden, please contact me to discuss what’s necessary to make this a success.
All ages from 1 to 101. I personalise each show to the age of the audience.
Most definitely and the children’s eyes light up when he magically appears. They even get to pet him at the end of the show. Of course it’s not me who makes the rabbit appear - it’s the ‘Birthday Star’.
Children. No seriously, I will help you organise a stress-free party. I provide prizes for all the children so no one feels left out. Of course there will be lots of special surprises for the Birthday Child.
We usually break for food after an hour but I don’t take a break because I’m busy keeping the children entertained. This means the children will be enjoying their party food rather than a few children running around.
Yes and I am quite happy to bring my certificate along or forward it for inspection.
I usually arrive 20-30 minutes before a party. If possible, please make sure there is parking next to the venue to allow easy access for my equipment.
I realise that sometimes unplanned emergencies happen but as long as the party is cancelled 4 weeks prior, there will be no charge.
I have entertained in every environment over the years and I can work in any space. Please call me to arrange your party.